Meditation is simply observing yourself in the present moment without judgement.

Through my meditation journey, I found that the scary “M” word has developed such a specific label for some. We feel it needs to be sitting in silence on a cushon for hours with a completely empty mind.

This is just not so.

We can meditate through guidance, visualization, while driving, dancing, eating, hiking…it’s not what we are doing, it’s HOW we are doing it.

It’s all about coming back to the now.

Breathe & Be

Join me every third Thursday for a 30-minute guided breath work and meditation practice held virtually. Lowering cortisol and other stress hormone levels, supporting anxiety and depression, alleviating insomnia, releasing emotional wounds, increasing blood flow, helping digestion, moving energy blockages and stagnations and supporting subconscious healing are just some things that breath work may do for you. I will guide you through breath work synced to beautiful music that will then lead us into a powerful meditation practice.

All attendees will receive the recording to consistently practice with until we meet again. Can’t make it? Sign up anyway and you’ll receive the recording.

Guided Meditation Videos

Explore my Youtube playlist of guided meditations, with new ones added frequently.


Check back here for one-time events in meditation and meditative movement.


Mindful Fitness


Pilates Teacher Training